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Portable Planetarium

OHM Portable Planetarium


OHM Portable Planetarium

The Portable Planetarium brings a unique and immersive learning experience directly to schools. Our presentations inspire students' curiosity and interest in science through interactive and engaging lessons aligned to New York State Science Learning Standards.

What is a Portable Planetarium?

The STARLAB portable planetarium is an inflatable dome, like a big tent! It is made from a nylon-reinforced, flame retardant, industrial grade fabric. The outer surface of this durable fabric ensures opacity even in fully lighted rooms. The inside surface has an aluminized reflective coating designed to clearly display bright images.

A powerful fan inflates and circulates air throughout the dome. Air is exchanged every five minutes through a carefully designed ventilation system that maintains a comfortable temperature and prevents excessive air loss during entry and exit. The dome can be set up almost anywhere - an empty classroom, gymnasium, cafeteria, etc. The best place would be a room at least 12 feet high and 20 - 22 feet wide.

The floorless design of the dome enables access for individuals using mobility aids and allows for rapid evacuation if necessary.

StarLab Planetarium Inflated

Planetarium Contact

Samantha Streiff

Instructional Support Services - Science Program Specialist

Phone: 315-223-4749 

Scheduling Info