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MVCC and MVCAA Micro-credential

Micro-credentials are groups of three to five courses that can be taken as a standalone program or can eventually be stacked to earn a degree or certificate. They are designed to help students quickly develop relevant skills to prepare them for entry-level employment and can help those currently employed gain additional training to advance their career.

In order to work for Head Start, you need a minimum of a Child Development Accreditation or a degree in Early Childhood. Therefore, if you have a current degree in another field (education, human services, psychology, etc.) and work for MVCAA, you can go to MVCC for FREE for the Early Childhood Courses. Once you take the courses and you have a comparable degree, you are a teacher qualified to be interviewed. 

Micro-credential Courses at MVCC:

  • ED 150-Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education **Pre-req
  • ED 205-Child Development (this covers prenatal to age twelve) ** Pre-req
  • ED 201-Introduction to Early Childhood Education
  • ED 203-Early Childhood Methods and Materials
  • ED 211-Intro to Exceptionalities

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