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Mohawk Valley EDGE (Economic Development Growth Enterprises Corporation)

Mohawk Valley EDGE is a nonprofit regional economic development organization. Created by a unique collaboration between public and private sector leaders as part of a long-range regional strategy, EDGE remains focused on strengthening existing businesses, attracting new industries and talent to the region, and building a vibrant environment for companies and their employees. Our team leverage millions in local, state, federal, and private resources to incentivize and finance business expansion, strategic site development, regional marketing initiatives, downtown revitalization, and business attraction. In addition to leveraging myriad resources, EDGE works closely with the Mohawk Valley Regional Economic Development Council on strategic planning and implementation of key regional and state priorities.

EDGE’s staff is comprised of economic development professionals with backgrounds in financing, urban planning, marketing, business management, and grant writing. Additionally, the EDGE administrative team manages all accounting and human resource matters within the organization. EDGE also offers internship opportunities to those with an interest in public service or business.