School/Curriculum Improvement COSER
The work of this service aligns with the NYS Education Department’s Agenda, which includes: Standards and Assessments, Data Systems, Great Teachers – Great Leaders and Turning Around Low Achieving Schools.
The goal is to prepare our students to be college, career and citizen ready. This multifaceted plan will close the achievement gap by implementation of the NYS Next Generation Learning Standards, implementing the Data-Driven Inquiry Model, and a teacher and principal evaluation system that supports education effectiveness.
The PPL Team provides leadership and learning opportunities to educators in our component districts to ensure success. This division also provides a number of specialized services on a regional level, as well as works with individual educators on customized projects.
Examples include:
- Executive Coaching for School Leaders.
- NYS Standards and Curriculum Work.
- Regional Assessment Project.
- School-Based Inquiry Team Protocols.
- Teacher and Principal Evaluations.
- Monthly Principal Meetings, Assistant Superintendent Meetings.
- Regional Superintendent Conference Day
- Curriculum Mentors (days can be contracted individually or in blocks).
- Targeted Instructional Strategies for Classroom Teachers. For an up-to-date listing of our workshops, please visit My Learning Plan.