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The Arts in Education cooperative service (CoSer) provides a highly effective way for schools to provide arts and educational programs within their districts by bringing artists in or by going out to cultural venues. Arts in Education helps schools enrich students’ lives by providing opportunities to experience the arts. This service is designed to provide resources for schools to integrate the arts through all Learning Standards. This service provides a cost-effective way for school districts to bring arts programs to their students.

2 sides of brain


Examples of allowable arts integration activities:

  • Dance (In-school workshops, assemblies by dance companies, field trips to dance performances.)
  • Theater (In-school performances, field trips, technical support and equipment for school productions, workshops with actors/technicians.)
  • Author Visits/Storytelling (In-school workshops and assemblies, field trips to book stores, museums or other venues where authors will be available.)
  • Visual Art (Field trips, residencies, workshops/assemblies - sculpture installations, murals, bookmaking, film making, etc.)
  • Musicals (Guest conductors, choreographers, professional musicians who are working with students on a school musical and their materials and supplies.) 
  • Writing Workshops (In-school workshops, assemblies, field trips, competitions, and festivals.)
  • Teacher Professional Development (related to the Arts & Arts Integration)

CoSer Parameters

  • Individual activities provided to a single district are eligible for BOCES aid provided that the service as a whole is provided to two or more districts.
  • Student directed activities only qualify for BOCES aid during the regular school year; September through June. Only staff professional development is allowed during the summer months.
  • Travel, hotel, and meal expenses are not aidable. Do not calculate these into final expenses.
  • All requests should be submitted 30-days prior to the event to allow for processing time. We cannot accept requests for events that have already occurred.
  • The final day to submit requests during the 2024-25 school year is Friday, May 23, 2025.