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P-TECH OHM Mentor Goals

  • Inspire, encourage and act as a positive role model to P-TECH OHM students
  • Provide meaningful feedback on coursework
  • Provide guidance, strategies and tools for navigating through the P-TECH program, including high school and college courses
  • Serve as a window into careers, emphasizing workplace learning and professional skills

Group Mentoring

  • Occurs in ninth grade
  • Monthly activities facilitated by business partners
    • Flexible activities: Business partner can suggest activity or school staff can develop activity that partner facilitates
    • Examples: Guest speakers, presentations, feedback sessions, project panel judging, job site field trips, mini design challenges, legorobotics, team building, mock interviews
    • Always looking for new activities and businesses to expose students to!
  • Commitment
    • Flexible: Can be a one time activity for 30 minutes, or can participate multiple times throughout the school year
    • Working with whole group: No commitment to one particular student

Individual Mentoring

  • Beginning in tenth grade
  • Biweekly communication through secure email addresses
    • Students will initiate communication with teacher provided writing prompts
  • Security considerations
    • Virtual communication only through school monitored email address and business email address
    • In person meetings can take place at school sanctioned events only
  • Commitment
    • Individual mentors are asked to commit to one year of virtual communication
    • Two emails per month to respond to
    • Optional face-to-face events

Mentor Program Progression


Mentors provide exposure to the workplace and careers in the school’s focus areas. Group mentoring activities for all ninth grade students. Informal mentoring occurs during group school sanctioned activities.


Mentors support workplace learning projects. Mentors provide feedback via approved platform (school monitored student email address) on projects to individual mentees. Student initiates conversation with writing prompts developed by teachers.


Mentors offer tailored college and career guidance and serve as project consultants, as needed. In the summer, they may choose to support job shadowing or internships.


Mentors support internships and continue to offer college and career guidance as students approach graduation. Students reach out to mentors as needed.