Itinerant Services
Academic Itinerant Services
Consideration should be given to securing an Itinerant position through BOCES anytime a school district’s anticipated need is for a 0.6 FTE or less.
Itinerant services and academic center-based programs are possible whenever two or more districts wish to participate in any instructional support service category.
BOCES shared service budgets include costs for personnel and mileage reimbursement. The budget for equipment and supplies are shared between participating school districts.
The following is a list of some of the academic services that are currently provided: Art, Technology, Family and Consumer Science (FACS), Math, English as a Second Language (ESL), Health, and Foreign Languages: Chinese, Spanish, and French.
Many component school districts need therapeutic services on a part-time basis. Through Itinerant Services, therapists are available in such disciplines as psychology, social work, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech.
In addition, teachers of the deaf and hearing impaired and teachers of the blind and visually impaired services are offered. Each district is charged on a formula basis for teacher salaries, fringe benefits and some supplemental equipment, supplies, travel and/or related contracted services.
Itinerant services and academic center-based programs are possible whenever two or more districts wish to participate in any instructional support service category.
BOCES shared service budgets include costs for personnel and mileage reimbursement. The budget for equipment and supplies are shared between participating school districts.
The following is a list of some of the academic services that are currently provided: Art, Technology, Family and Consumer Science (FACS), Math, English as a Second Language (ESL), Health, and Foreign Languages: Chinese, Spanish, and French.
Many component school districts need therapeutic services on a part-time basis. Through Itinerant Services, therapists are available in such disciplines as psychology, social work, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech.
In addition, teachers of the deaf and hearing impaired and teachers of the blind and visually impaired services are offered. Each district is charged on a formula basis for teacher salaries, fringe benefits and some supplemental equipment, supplies, travel and/or related contracted services.
Additional program areas can be added whenever two or more districts share the service. Aid is limited to a maximum of a 0.6 full time employee.
Sarah Walker
Coodinator of CPSE and Vocational Evaluator / Alternate Assessment Coordinator