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New Visions: Health Professions Information

Hello everyone, I hope you had a great week. Below is your week in review:

Monday 9/21: Continuation of Unit 1, Mrs. Williams in. Time Manangement discussion.

Tuesday 9/22: Completion of Unit 1 lesson 

Wednesday 9/23: quiz unit 1, begin Unit 2, Medical Terminology lesson

Thursday 9/24: Beginning of Basics of Government lesson

Friday 9/25: Continuation of Basic of Government Lesson, Brain Break lead by Mrs. Petronella,  


Who ever emails me, and describe what it is listed for Friday 9/25 as our activity, I will give a 5 point bonus in the gradebook for you. You MUST email me by Monday Morning. 

Hello everyone, 


It was a great first week, I am so glad that we all have had the oppertunity to meet wheather it's been in person or remotely. We had a busy week, and I hope you enjoyed our Brain break this past Friday, I sure did, it will be Alex's turn next Friday. 

Below is your week in review, please note that all attempts to stay on calendar will be made, but as we all know, we need to be flexible. 

Monday 9/14: Relaxation Exercise, Class Presentations begin, Mrs. Williams in. Please remember that if you have not handed in your health documentaiton we still need it. 

Tuesday 9/15: Begin Unit 1: Introduction to being a Health Care Worker, 9/11 assignment due. 

Wednesday 9/16: Continuation of Introduction to being a Health Care Worker, Unit 1 assignment due. Medical Terminology Activity 

Thursday 9/17: Completion of Unit 1, begin Unit 2 activities

Friday 9/18: Unit 2 Homework due, Unit 2 continues: Breain Break Activity lead by Alexander Chiffy 


I know we are going to have an amazing week of school! 

Hello everyone, I am very excited about beginning the school year. We will have a large amoun of materials to go over the first few days and together. Below are some links to a few of the documents that we will be reviewing in the classroom. 

Classroom procedures

Lab Procedures

Supply List

Zoom Link

Password: nvhealth

Meeting ID: 96569244827

Brain Break



Hello everyone. I hope you are enjoying your summer and are getting ready for an exciting school year. 

Recently I sent an email out to you all with a link to some New Visions Health information. I will also attach the link here just in case you need to find the link again, or would like to share it with your parents. 

New Visions Health Informaiton and 1st Assignmet


Looking forward to working with everyone. Please contact me at if you have any questions. 


See you in September. 

Hello everyone, I hope you all are receiving my notifications and your assignments. I have posted your work here in the Web site, as well as, BUZZ and Google Classroom. Please contact me if you have any questions, need help, or just need someone to chat with. You can contact me via remind or email. 

Please don't get to overwhelmed with the assignments, as we were working on some of them prior to our school closure, and were slated to begin the others this week. Our campaign for class president is on hold, but when we return we will continue with that lesson, as well as, our economics work. My hope is to begin our economics of life project when we return. 

I will be working on a calendar for April for when we are scheduled to return. I do not know when we will be allowed back on our clinical rotations but we have plenty to work on until we resume our rotations. 

I do have an extra credit bonus for those of you who are interested. Locate, share and read an article on this pandemic. Write an article review and hand it in. When we return we will review and discuss the articles that were submitted. It would be very interesting to read and discuss this pandemic, and how it affected our community. Especially our health care community. 


Hello everyone, 

I know we will not see one another for awhile, but I wanted to post some work so we will not have as large a hole to climb out of when we return.

Please access the Google classroom I set up, or you can also look on this website, or buzz to see your economics work. 

Also, don't forget you have Choices and Upfront work coming due, I have loaded that on Google classroom also, but I will also post it here on the web site. 

If you do not have your magazine, you can access them online

Upfront password mrsp2019-2020

choices same password as above 

Please contact me if you are having any difficulties

Mrs. P

Hello all, below is you week in review

Monday: Continuation of amendments lesson, Quiz amendments, SkillsUSA meeting, Mrs, Williams in. Don't forget the Feed Our Vets community service activity.

Tuesday: Clinical, Clinical Objectives die

Wednesday: Clinical, Field notes due

Thursday: Clinical

Friday: Clinical, thank you letters due to Mrs. P and Sites, Permission slip due for SkillsUSA 

Due to use being behind on the amendments lesson we will not begin lesson on caucuses or primaries until our next Monday lesson. 

Hello Everyone,  I hope you had an enjoyable and restful holiday break and are ready to begin 2020 with great excitement and energy. Below is your week in review:

Monday: Supreme Court lesson, Wrap up of Basics of Government lesson, Amendments lesson and activity.

Tuesday: Clinical, Letters of Introduction

Wednesday: Clinical

Thursday: Clinical

Friday, Clinical, Thank you letters to one week rotations, Amendments homework due. 

Good afternoon everyone, below is your week in review

Monday: Novel HW due, Quiz Med terms list 2, list 3 handed out, Basics of Government HW due, Basics of Government lesson, Government Basics HW #2 handed out.

Tuesday: Clinical, Clinical objectives due

Wednesday: Clinical, Field notes due

Thursday: Clinical, Choices due

Friday: Clinical, Thank you letters to sites

Don't forget your SkillsUSA dues money, Flu Shots too!!

Hello everyone, below is your week in review:

Monday: Med term quiz 1, list 2 handed out, novel handed out, Government lesson 1 handed out, Mrs. Williams in

Tuesday: Clinical, Letters of introduction to sites

Wednesday: Clinical, Pet food donations due today

Thursday: Clinical,, Thank you letters to one week sites

Friday: No School, Superintendent's conference day

Hello everyone, below is your week in review

Monday: Personal Finance class begins, Military time quiz, review of medical terminiology list, Thank you note lesson, Review of clinical rotations, Political Cartoon lesson, 

Tuesday: Clinical begins, letters of introducation to sites and one to Mrs. Petronella

Wednesday: Cliical, draft thank you letters due

Thursday: Clinical

Friday: Clinical, Thank you letters to one week sites

Hello everyone, can you believe that we are almost done with the first month of school. Boy did the time fly. Below is your week in review:

Monday: Test Infection control and Body Mechanics and Safety, Review of clinical procedures. Mrs. Williams in

Tuesday: Orientation at Sitrin, clinical dress code

Wednesday: Orientation ARC, clinical dress, no lab coat, Upfront due

Thursday: Orientation for OR and Infection Prevention at St. Luke's Hospital, clinical dress

Friday: Orientation at The Grand Utica, Clinical dress

Hello everyone, sorry for the delay in getting this posted to the web site. Below is your week in review

Monday: Infection control review activities, test on units taught previous

Tuesday: Infection control film with questions, Tuberculosis reading questions due

Wednesday: St. Luke's student packet, Quiz infection control, begin unit 18 patient safety. Parents Night 6-7 pm

Thursday: Unit 18 patient safety, Unit 18 review due, Choices due

Friday: Lab body mechanics, w/c safety and assistive devices, Typed movie questions due. 

Hello everyone, 

Thank you all for your tremendous cooperation last week in my absence, I appreciate your hard work and dedication to the class. Below is your upcoming week in review. 

Monday: Review of chapter 5, Field notes lesson, Mrs. Williams in, Letters of introduction due

Tuesday: Chapter 6 and 8 reviewed, class activity, HW: Unit 8 review due pg. 181

Wednesday: Chapter 9 reviewed, class activity, HW unit 9 due pg 194

Thursday: Class activity, unit 17 reviewed, HW: Upfront due

Friday: Unit 17 continues, class activity, HW unit 17 review pg 503

Hello everyone, I hope you have had a great weekend, below is your week in review.

Monday:Class Activities, Mrs. Williams in

Tuesday: Orientation, Letters of Introduction lesson, Chapter 1 lesson, HW assignment section 1.2 review questions due, pg. 23

Wednesday: Chapter 2 discussion, Class Discussion of 9/11 assignment, 9/11 assignment due, 

Thursday: Class Activities, Hw: Chapter 2 review questions due pg. 43. 

Friday: ACPHS college in for presentation, remember to dress casually professional for our guest speaker. Following speaker, class activities. HW: Chapter 5 review pg 116 due

Remember if you have Any questions please contact me via email or remind so I can assist you. 

Hello everyone, I hope you are enjoying your summer and are getting ready for an enxiting school year. I am looking forward to a grat year, full of a lot of memorable learing oppertunites and many memories. Below is your 1st week in review. 


Thursday 9/5: Blind Draw for presentations, Textbooks handed out, Summer assignments due. Presentations begin

Friday 9/6: Handbook quiz, Lab Coat sizing, Photo IDs, Studdy Buddies assigned

Please remember to bring all your signed forms in, as well as any physicals, or healh documentation.