About CTE Guidance
The Guidance (Counseling) Department works directly with a student’s home school district counselor to provide both personal and educational counseling. Additionally, the department plans visitation days at the Career and Technical Education Center and student workshops.
Many problems concerning both school and one’s personal life can be helped by counseling with a competent person. In addition to guiding career and technical students, the department also provides counseling and services for at-risk students and students with disabilities. Appointments can be made by contacting one of the school’s counselors.
Counselors also provide assistance with planning post-secondary education using many contacts at local schools and colleges. Students can meet with counselors alone or bring in a parent.
If you’re considering a career and technical program, you should:
Discuss your plans with your parents or guardians.
Talk to your high school counselor.
Visit the BOCES Career and Technical Education Center by calling 315-793-8666.
Sign up for the course you wish to take with your high school counselor.