Welcome to the OHM Learning Network

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  • Collaborating with Districts to Roll Out Blended, Online and Personalized Learning 

    Through the use of Progressive Tracks OHM Learning Network collaborates with and supports disticts in their search for good curriculum and/or blended learning. We believe that districts should have the ability to personalize and customize their roadmap. Whether it be through the use of our OHM Learning Network or Vendor curriculum, using the Buzz Learning Management System and have teachers incorporate the district's curriculum, or choosing to combine the OHM Learning Network Curriculum and Buzz Learning Management System for a district wide blended/personalized learning roll out. 


    OHM Learning Network Progressive Tracks


    Fundamental Track: OHM Learning Network Curriculum

    The Fundamental Track provides educators access to the OHM Learning Network curriculum resources. The OHM Learning Network curriculum is New York State Next Generations Align and allows teachers to download, print, or utilize our curriculum on a digital display in the classroom. Teachers can simply log into Buzz, go to their student app and utlize the curriculum that has been assigned to them. 

    The OHM Learning Network  


    Buzz Laptop

    Online/Personalized Track: Buzz Learning Management System 

    In this track educators learn how to utilize the Buzz Learning Management system to create their own course and activities to personalized learning for their students. The Buzz LMS is a powerful learning management system that allows for data-driven instruction, student choice and voice, collaboration among educators and helps to create a community of learners.  




    Personalized/Blended Track: Buzz LMS & Curriculum


    The Personalized/Blended Track provides districts and educators the best of both worlds. Why utilize an empty LMS and start from scratch?   Why not tie curriculum that has been currated and created to be utilized within a robust learning management system? In this track districts  can choose to use the OHM Learning Network Curriculum resources or any of our vendor partner resources. The curriculum resources provide educators a stepping stone into using a Learning Management System and also provide supplemental resources to support student learning needs. Working with the OHM Learning Network team, districts can support educators in bringing personalized and blended learning into their classrooms. 

    Buzz laptop and affiliates