• How Being a Business Partner Benefits Your Company

    • Exciting and memorable engagement opportunities on issues directly related to your business/industry.
    • An opportunity to distinguish your company as a remarkable employment destination.
    • Visibility and recognition for valued community service.
    • An opportunity to provide industry awareness and exposure of career pathways to young scholars.
    • Knowledge that you are making a direct contribution to the education of the future in an advanced manufacturing workforce.
    • Investment in shaping the future of your company and its future employees.
    • An opportunity to improve the transfer of learning from school to practical applications in the workplace.
    • Adding value to the community where you do business.
    • Positive publicity, promotion and exposure with local news outlets.


    How Your Commitment Impacts Our Students
    As a partner, you provide students with:
    •  Adult investment in education
    • Authentic feedback and meaningful encouragement
    • Positive role model
    • Opportunities for career exploration and personal growth


    Your involvement leads to: 
    • Development of leadership and professional skills
    • Increased self-esteem and self awareness
    • Higher levels of engagement in education 

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