The Multi-Occupations program is designed to provide students with disabilities the opportunity to explore career areas, develop appropriate work habits and attitudes and gain basic job skills through hands-on experience.
For students 16 to 21 years of age, Multi-Occupations offers challenges for students to discover their abilities and interests. Each student is given opportunities to work in various businesses and organizations in the community to become job-ready and prepare for the transition to the world of work. Students participating in the program are provided with a variety of hands-on tasks including shadowing, internships, and site visits. Clusters focus on employability, independent living, and social and safety skills needed to participate within the home and community.
Multi-Occupations Tour
Skills/Topics Covered
- Setting Goals
- Professionalism/Hygiene/First Impressions
- Safety at Work
- Balancing Work and Personal Life
- Filling Out Forms
- The Job Hunt
- Skills for the Workplace
Internship Experiences
- The Root Farm
- Uno Chicago Grill
- Texas Roadhouse
- The Hampton Inn
- Jay-K
- Wilcor Outdoors
- The Utica Public Library
Opportunities for additional education in the field
- Job fairs
- Volunteer experience with Feed Our Vets
- Shadowing other CTE classes in the spring, if interested
- Tour of College Works program (for possible post-graduation programming)
Potential Careers with CTE Training
- Food Service
- Hospitality
- Retail